Friday, September 23, 2022

The Final Stretch of the Bar Review


Most of the Bar Takers now are in the final stretch of their review especially it is less than two months before the much awaited #caguiwowbar/#GetThatBAR2022, to be held on November 9, 13, 16 and 20, 2022 respectively.


The final stretch is the part where you will polish all that you learn from the previous months of reading based on the syllabus that was given to the bar takers. Some may be, reading their materials for the second or third time, others are still struggling to finish their first reading.


But what are some of the things that we need to remember in this phase of review in order to be ready by the pre-week of November 2022?

I will share to you some of my experiences that might help our Bar Takers to hurdle this final phase of review.  I was just an ordinary bar taker, and hopefully, I assume that most of you would relate to what I have been through in reviewing for the Bar Examination and I too felt the pressure when I was in the final months of my review before the pre-week examination. Hopefully, this tips will help you hurdle the final months of your review study. 


1.     Assess yourself on where you are at the present and your review end goal. Are you still in schedule or are you behind. If you are in schedule, then good for you. If not, you better make some adjustments to your study in order to gain legal knowledge that you can use as your ammunition in answering the Bar Exam. Focus on the basics as like always advised by many;



2.     Plan ahead on where you will stay during the duration of the Bar Examination. As of now, I am sure you know already where you will take your examination. See to it that you will find a nearby area to the place where you will take your examination or if you will come from your home, plan on how you will reach the examination site and your travel time. It is much better that these things are ready so that you will not going to have a hard time in finding your place to stay or how much time you will allot in traveling since it is already pre-planed and you already book your place or your service going to the exam site;



3.     Many materials will pop out as the bar examination date is approaching. What I can advise you is that just focus on the materials that you already have and decide to stick with it. Some of these materials can have “poisonous” content and at the same time, the material that you are already using will give you familiarity, that when a question pops up in the bar and it is in the material that you stick into, you can easy remember what you read about that certain subject.

Further, additional materials sometimes give us confusion and additional task to read and memorize. Remember that in taking the bar exam, THE LESS IS BETTER. Meaning, the less materials that you have in the review, the more chances that you will remember what you have studied and the content will stick to your mind;



4.     Focus on your study as of this time, TIME IS THE ESSENCE. If you lack time to study due to work, find a spare time to read. Every time that you read must be treated preciously. Just think that every topic that you are reading will help you to pass the bar examination. You never know if what you have read will come out in the bar examination.
If you have longer time to study, then that is great. Remember to focus and count the hours of your pure study. But do not burn yourself out in studying. If you feel tired, then relax and chill for a moment, and when you are ready to study, then study again. It is much better that you feel good when you study as more information can be processed and stored in our mind when we are relaxed and in having a great mood;


5.     Pray always that God will give you the strength that you need to finish the race. In taking the bar, it is not always you, but having a thought that there is a higher being who is out there that will constantly sustain you in your hardest time of trial. Just do your best in your review and surely, he will see your labor and, in His time, you will receive the period in the ATTY that you are dreaming of.


Study smart. Stick with the basics because the basics will not fail you and persevere to reach the GOAL of becoming an Attorney. Give all your best in this final stretch of your review. Wishing you all the best to the upcoming November 2022 Bar Examination.


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