Friday, September 9, 2022

Life as a 4th Year Law Student

(This blog was published around March 2021, nearing the end of my last semester in Law School. 📚)

I am currently at my 2nd Semester 4th year law student and hoping to graduate this June 2021.

All I can say is that this year is stressful, added the Covid-19 pandemic, it is very hard but I managed to adjust specially that we shifted into a online class platform. Life must go on for me and also to you as we human beings are an adaptable species able to change in order to adapt in our environment.

It is quite taxing this time as I am contemplating how can I review for the bar when I graduated. Actually, due to the pandemic, I have been given the time to review as we are in Work from Home set-up and when I do not have a work load, I try to read some materials. But this is hard, as temptations to look at the Social Media, Watching Youtube Videos and my bed, is enticing me to procrastinate. I myself know this but sometimes, the mind is willing but the body is weak.

Good thing is that I was offered a place for the meantime where I can study alone without the distractions of the above applications and my bed. I am currently trying to build my materials in order to easily review when I graduated from my law course.

For my class as of present, my professors are trying to adapt to the change. I am trying to study their subjects but my problem is that I can absorb many things but my retention time is short, that is why I am always writing my notes in order for me to return into something for review.

Hoping that I can review very well and pass the bar this November 2021. 


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