Friday, September 9, 2022

My Third Year Law Story

(I am so busy with my studies that I have not written any blog for my 1st and 2nd year in law school. For now, this blog when I was in 3rd year was published February 2021. For those years that I did not make a blog, I'll try to make it in here some other time for you to read. Enjoy 😁)

It has been a year when I finished my third year subjects in law school. If the second year is a little bit stressful, this phase was much more heavy. However, my first year and second year experience made me to endure this phase of my law school life.

In this year, I am now applying the principles and laws that you have learned when I was in my first and second year to the the third year subject that I have taken. I can still remember that we were discussing about Succession then we are correlating it to donation that was discussed during our Property subject when we are in Second Year.

When midterms and finals were coming, there are times when I tend not to sleep starting from Friday Night while reviewing from the examination then, a little bit sleep in Saturday Night to review for my exam on Sunday. When my Sunday subjects were over, that is that time that I will have a good rest. My Monday would be my rest day and will have a little bit of reading of my subjects.

I admit, I am not that a bright student, but still, I am persevering to read, even if reading sometimes makes me sleepy. I have learned over my three years in law school that you just need to understand how to the law will works, how it will correlate to other laws and on how you will apply.

Good to say, I passed all my subjects during this third year in law school. I thank God for the strength that he gave me to finish this. As I said before, I am always contemplating how did I finished the semester when the road you are threading is to hard. I am always thinking how did I survived the terror recitations, the deadline to submit the case digests and balancing work from law school (Yes! I am a working student)

My advice is that you study well in your first and second year subjects, especially the Major Subjects in order to have a breeze in your third year as your previous subjects are your foundation in order to understand your third year subjects. I learned it the hard way and still suffering until now. But I think I have time to amend to those mistakes that I have made. And hopefully, I would PASS the Bar Examination this November 2021, by the grace of God. Amen.

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