Friday, September 9, 2022

Bar Boys Short Movie Reflection

 (This blog was made February 2021. This is the English version of the Filipino version that I posted around year 2017. I watched this movie before I started my Law School journey to feel what it is like to be a student of law. I remember that we are only around less than 10 people inside the movie house when I watched this film, but I am deeply thankful and appreciated  this movie as the movie gave me an inspiration to finish my law degree and pass the bar examination. Again, please note that I did not change the language as before, for you to see my sentence construction during that time. 😇 P.S. I highly recommend this movie to those who want to start their law school journey. )

Pelikulang Filipino Festival (a festival for Filipino movies which were made by Independent Film Producers or in short "Indies") was celebrated last second week of the month of August 2017. The festival showcase Filipino Movies which were showed on malls for the whole week. No foreign film was allowed to be shown on that week.

I watched the film with the title "Barboys" as I have been interested to watch this before because I have started to enroll at Law School. As the movie description goes,

"A group of friends, Christian (Enzo Pineda), Erik (Carlo Aquino), Joshua (Kean Cipriano) and Toran (Rocco Nacino), enters law school together. Their friendship is tested as they face the challenges of law school and prepares themselves for the bar examinations."  (Sources:"

In the start of the movie, all of the 4 characters were waiting for the result of the Law School Entrance Examination so they can enroll for the Law Course. At that point, Joshua did not pass the examination and was left out by his 3 friends. During the course of the movie, Joshua became a model and at the ending, becoming a leading actor.

The three who did passed the Law School Entrance Examination went to start their Law School Life. Toran during the course of the his Law School life, joined a law school fraternity while Christian on the other hand deals his issues with his dad and girlfriend. Erik, who among the three has less resources due to poverty strive in his law school life as most of challenges of the stories fall into him like trying to pass for a subject against terror professors and his lack of ability to memorize and his doubt on himself.

The friendship of the three were tested during the time that Erik needs to pass a subject and he could only do so if Christian would permit to have a lesser grade. Unfortunately, Christian did not agree to the plead of Erik which leads to Erik's dismay. With this, Toran used his fraternity connections and at the same time, Christian also tried to talk to the professor to pass Erik. In the end, they all passed and earn their law school degree.

During the bar examination, Erik's father died while he was taking the bar leading for him to fail the examination. His two friends however, passed the exam and Christian ranked top three among the examinees. They also console Erik for his father's loss and helped him to recover, In the end, Erik took the bar again the next year and passed it, placing ninth place. The last scene of the movie shows that Erick and Toran were the counsels of each parties that will face in the court, while Christian was there to witness the clash of the two.

For me, I watched this way way back ago in order to have a feel what law school really is. Some of the law school life shown in the movie is true, but the other are a little bit exaggerated. However, the movie has given me an inspiration to dream and to finish this law school course. I am now currently in my last semester and hopefully, I would graduate and pass the bar. If you persevere in what you do, any one of us can become an Erick, Christian, Toran or Joshua. You just need to believe in yourself that no matter what the obstacle that you will face, you can still do it. :)

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