Friday, September 9, 2022

(I'll make these blogs into one as it tells a continuous story when I am waiting to have a class to start my Law School journey. Note that there were no changes made to the blog to show how my English construction was at that time 😁)

Title: 1st Week of Class was postponed :( (August 2017)

Yesterday, I went to my school to have my class for my Law Subject. As I went to the room, there is no one there. so I decided to go to the deans office as it is open that day. Fortunately, our dean was in her office and I went to have a conversation with her asking if there were classes for that night. She told me that classes were not starting yet for this week, as the Legal Education Board has not given the go signal to start the classes.

I was excited before to attend the class but this excitement has been extended by next week so that I could start my class. Well that is fine with me as it will give me time to adjust myself especially that I need to come early to my office in order to leave early. At the same time, i'll adjust my schedules and habits so that I can inclined it with my coming studies. There were so much things to consider like my schedule after the class, chores at the house and office events. I need to juggle all of this to sync it harmoniously within my daily activities.

Hoping that this excitement will give me the drive to finish this course. I'm always thinking right the statement that I our pastor gave us on one of his podcast, "We are not here to start a race as it is the most easy part but we are here to finish our goals that we have started.".

Till here. I will always keep you posted on my adventures as a Law School Student. :)

Title: Still, Law School class is postponed for this week (August 2017)

My Law School class is again postponed for this week as our school is finalizing the enrollment and other things for the first semester of the course. I do hope by next week all will be fine.

But with this, I have time to fix my schedules and adjust my time especially I am working and studying in the evening. I am planning my sleep time for the past week in order to cope up with the upcoming schedule of my study. I know it is hard at first but I always think that this is for the better of me. I need to sacrifice and to have discipline in order to achieve my goal. I'm setting my mind before starting the schooling so that when school starts, it will not be hard on my part.

Within this week, I will also apply for the Philippine Law School Admission Test or PhiLSAT. Like what I said on the previous blogs that I am on a conditional enrollment due to missing taking the examination last April 2017. I also need to prepare for that examination.

I'm hoping that everything will be fine. My friends who are already are lawyers are very supportive, sometimes telling me some hints on what to do and what books I need to consider to read on every subject I enrolled into.

I'm very excited to start my class and journey on being a lawyer. Hoping that everything will be alright as my (Mis)Adventures on Law School starts ;)

Title: Law School is Coming (August 2017)

It has been another week and our class has not started yet as our school has not yet finished its curriculum finalization. But I don't know why, I'm excited to start my class. When I talked to my dean, she said that I need to read and read and read. I wonder how many readings I will make when I start my class. Hahahaha.

Currently, I'm reading online some laws and lecture in line with the subject I'm enrolled into. It's a little bit hard to grasp as I don't have any idea on where to start or how to process the reading. But I am still reading so that I will be a little informed on the topics and subjects that hopefully our professor will discuss when our class starts.

Aside from reading articles in line with my upcoming subjects, I am also reading on how to start and survive law school to make myself ready in facing this new challenge in my life. event though I'm seeing this as a rough journey, it's much better when you are ready so when the course hits you, then there is a chance that you will survive. :)

I will update again as soon as I started my schooling and will relate to you my experiences as I continue this (Mis)Adventure in Law School. :D


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